
I sketch almost every day in addition to any other creative effort that I might have the privilege of doing. Most of these are done in direct ink, all are from direct observation of life. They were determined to be finished when I ran out of time, or the situation had changed to such an extent that the subject was no longer observable. I did not do these sketches with Urban Sketchers guidelines in mind, as I have just recently learned of the organization. I will post the images that most closely fit their guidelines on their sites, but here I will be more inclusive. My interests have been orientated toward sketching people. Recently I have become more interested in not just portraiture, or the human form, but in their surroundings, and how they occupy those surroundings.


Sketchbook 001

Sketchbook 003

Sketchbook 004

Sketchbook 005

Sketchbook 006

Sketchbook 002

Sketchbook 007

Sketchbook 008